
This extension can use your stored usernames for certain sites to auto-detect your username. It will only do so when explicitly commanded to. The found usernames are then (without password) sent to API endpoints of the respective site to gather your followed channels.

The extension has to regularly send requests to the API endpoints of the sites you have channels for to check for their live status and to update their metadata. These include the usernames or unique identifiera of the channels you have added and the usernames or unique identifiers of your user and may contain your preferred locale and parental control setting (to filter results). Contacting the API servers will give their operators information like your IP, which they may collect. Please refer to their privacy policy and terms of use. The APIs will send back details about the requested channels and users, which are at least partially stored on your machine for later display within the extension and can be removed by no longer tracking the associated channel or user.

There is no other (user, usage and other) data collected, processed or explicitly sent to other devices by this extension.

The extension uses real-time info to decide directly on your machine if it should show a notification, or when a channel is opened, if it should instead switch to an existing tab and such features. However this will never lead to any information leaving your browser.

When using the streamlink integration, the URL of the stream is sent to the streamlink integration extension exclusively when requesting to open a stream with streamlink from the UI of this extension. No other data is sent to that extension. If the notification sound extension is installed, it will be informed whenever this extension shows a notification. However no notification contents are sent to the notification sound extension.

For questions or data issues, contact jtvnotificationssupport@humanoids.be

YouTube features

When using the YouTube features of the extension, the same applies: requests are sent to the YouTube API Services to get information on channels and their live streams or subscriptions. Never are those requests made in a manner that indicates your YouTube or Google account over the API. The data returned by those requests (username, profile picture, subscribers, video title, video category, video thumbnail, channel IDs, viewer count) will be stored by the extension on your machine and may be removed as soon as associated channels and or users are no longer tracked using the extension.

The YouTube API Services may be provided under their own privacy policy, see google.com/policies/privacy.


This website is hosted on GitHub pages, which means it is running on GitHub infrastructure. The most relevant resource thus is GitHub’s privacy statement.